Deci, despre ce vorbim aici, oameni buni, daca nici macar la Bruxelles nu se spun lucrurile pe bune?
Noi taieri de tarife, inca un arbitru al industriei telecom (central), se aude un cor de plansete din partea operatorilor (mari si mici).
All three reports on the reform have been voted today by the Parliament with overwhelming majorities: 565 votes in favour of the establishment of the new European Telecoms Body BEREC, 493 votes in favour of the new Directives on e-Privacy and Universal Service and 605 votes in favour of a modern set of rules for ensuring efficient management of radio spectrum and helping to remove regulatory obstacles and inconsistencies in the single telecoms market. The Parliament also voted with 578 votes for the reform of the GSM Directive.
Update: depinde cine primeste stirea. Reuters a inteles ca s-au respins reformele 😀
EU assembly rejects reform of telecoms
06 MAY 2009 13:36 BST
STRASBOURG, France (Reuters) – The European Parliament rejected a major reform of EU telecoms rules on Wednesday due to concerns over the rights of Internet users.
Update 2. Viviane Reding:
- European Parliament Approves EU Telecoms Reform but Adds 1 Amendment: Commission Reaction
- (6 May 2009)Viviane Reding, the EU Telecoms Commissioner, commented on today’s vote as follows: „I welcome the European Parliament’s strong endorsement of the reform of the EU telecoms rules”.
Site-ul Comisiei Europene: „No agreement on reform of telecom legislation”