Am pus niște anunțuri pe OLX, unul din ele cu camera Sony, imediat am început să primesc mesaje de tipul celor de mai jos. Știu că românii nu sunt campioni la limba română, dar totuși parcă prea sună a Google Translate. Apoi au venit mesajele direct în engleză.
Mi s-a părut bizar de la primul mesaj, am ignorat discuția. Apoi, după încă trei-patru mesaje, am căutat pe Google și-am găsit la Andrei o poveste similară. Deci practica asta este de fapt de foarte mulți ani. Oamenii caută utilizatori creduli, care se reped să creadă poveștile lor. Trimit un mail fals, care pare a veni de la Paypal, prin care se spune că așteaptă doar numărul expediției pentru a elibera banii. Oamenii expediază produsul și apoi așteaptă banii în cont.
Însă Paypal nu lucrează așa. În Paypal fie au intrat bani, fie nu. Un utilizator care trimite bani poate fi sigur că Paypal îi returnează în caz că a luat țeapă. Deci, puteți face o expediție doar după ce se văd banii în Paypal. Înainte, sub nicio formă.
Nu există faza aia că se rețin banii și după ce dai numărul de colet se deblochează.
La fel, nu există nici faza aia că trebuie să trimiți bani cuiva ca să ridici premiul de milioane de euro. Sunt doar țepe.
Totuși este foarte probabil să fie și vânători de emailuri.. astfel încât să aibă certitudinea că respectivul email de pe care a primit mesaj, este unul real.. și surpriză, le vei da apoi porția de carne zilnic.. de cel puțin câteva ori.. Și eu am pățit așa de foarte multe ori.. apoi am descoperit filtrele 🙂
Se colectează mai ușor emailuri cu diverse scripturi…
Poți vedea dialogul cu țeparul aici:
Cum de a renuntat la cont? Sau l-ai reclamat?
Eu cred că le șterg ăștia contul, am încercat sa raportez și nu mai există. Probabil așteaptă să-i caute cineva pe mail ulterior.
De aia ma tot freca unul la cap de cateva zile sa ii trimit motocicleta ca imi pune el bani pe paypal! Chiar mi a oferit mai mult decat ceream!
Da, pune-o și ia-ți adio de la ea 🙂
Am patit la fel … exact cum e scris acolo cu shipping confirmation :)) dar nu am trimis nimic
Si si-a sters contu dupa olx dupa
Tot pe OLX am primit si eu o oferta pe care bine-nteles ca am mirosit-o ca e falsa. Tipul e si se ofera sa cumpere o soba antica (foarte grea) oe care o sa o duca in Bulgaria printr-un agent din America! El pune banii 945 euro intr-un cont paypal inclusiv transportul de 600 euro iar eu trebuie doar sa platesc transportul dupa care banii se deblocheaza si intra in contul meu de pay pal. Va redau aici conversatiile!
I just completed the transfer and you should have gotten the confirmation email from PayPal regarding the transfer. So i expect to receive the address where the pick up would be made & also i made an extra payment €600 for the freight charges and i am sure you noticed that, you’ll have to send the extra amount to the Transport Company Office through Money Gram( right away and then send the Money Gram Transfer Information to PayPal as they said it is needed for verification, before the transaction can be finalized.. Here is the info you’ll need to transfer the money to the Transport Company’s head-office…
Agent Name: Joanne Smith
City: Olney
State: Illinois
Zipcode: 62450
Country: United States.
Read the payment confirmation email PayPal sent you properly, The payment has been made and deducted from my account, PayPal has placed a temporary hold on the funds and it’s non refundable back to me so that’s why it is yet to appear in your PayPal account but the payment confirmation proof the payment has already been deducted from my account. You are required to go to any Money Gram store/outlets around you and transfer the freight charges of €600 upfront to the Transport agent’s address and get back to PayPal with the Money Gram receipt, once PayPal receive the Money Gram receipt and verify it, PayPal will credit the €1,545 including the Money Gram sending fee would be credit into your account immediately.
I hope you understand now.
Let me see if i can explain what you have to do now, i made you a total payment of €1,545, €945 is for the purchase and €600 is the cost for the transportation to my home. I included the transport fee to the payment i made to you because i do not have access to Money Gram as i work as a marine biologist offshore and the only of online payment the transport company accept is through Money Gram so i included the €600 for the transport fee to your payment so you can help me with it, so what you are to do now is go to any Money Gram office you know with the sum of €600 which is for the pick up fee from your pocket and send to the transport agent address. After the payment has been made, a receipt will be issued to you and you are to scan the necessary Money Gram information/receipt and attach it to the confirmation mail you got from PayPal and then send it to them for verification, as soon as the Money Gram receipt has been confirmed valid the total amount of €1,545 including the Money Gram sending fee will then be credited and shown in your PayPal account immediately, PayPal are only doing this for your security so you have nothing to worry about.
I hope you understand better now??
Best regards
Send me your contact and address so i can forward it to the shipping agent for the pickup so they can contact you…
We have to follow the PayPal Instruction in the payment confirmation email sent to you in order to receive the money into your account, PayPal has already told you step to take in order to receive the money into your account, the money will only reflect in your account after you reply back to PayPal with the Money Gram receipt they needed for your account to be credited. You have to try and come up with the €600 to make the Money Gram transfer and you get back to PayPal with the Money Gram receipt and they confirm everything valid then PayPal will release your total amount €1,545 including the Money Gram sending fee would be credit into your Account into your account immediately.
If you read the payment confirmation very well, you would see it says that the payment is non refundable back to me, so I can’t cancel the payment nor request back for it so we are both into a well secured transaction, PayPal has done this in order to secure both the buyer and the seller, I have 100% guarantee on PayPal so there’s nothing to worry about, PayPal will credit the total €1,545 into your account as soon as they receive the Money Gram receipt of the €600 you are been ask to send to the transport agent, so you have to go to Money Gram tomorrow morning and make the transfer to the transport agents address given to you, and get back to PayPal with a copy of the Money Gram receipt, once they verify it, PayPal will credit your account within an hour and the total money of €1,545 including the Money ram sending fee will be available in your PayPal account immediately.
Declara ca se numeste Neshev Tihomir si ca este biolog pe o nava!!! hahaha Chiar asa de prosti cred ca suntem noi romanii?!?!?!?
De aici incolo trageti concluziile. Eu am renuntat sa mai conversez cu acest gunoi! Binenteles ca nu am trimis nimic nicaieri!
Întotdeauna când zice cineva că trebuie să achiți înainte ceva este țeapă. Apoi, nu există bani blocați – nu există o plată pe Paypal care nu poate fi anulată, e doar țeapă.
Bine că nu ați plătit!